DE&一、签名事件 & 项目


The 多元化倡导者认证计划 at Augustana provides participants with the tools needed to become change 年龄nts through the demonstrated use of acquired knowledge, support and awareness — aimed at creating an inclusive environment. 这些 courses are offered online year-round and allow participants to work at their own pace. During the academic year, in-person courses are offered on Fridays, typically at 10:30 a.m. in the Center for Centers Conference Room within the DE&我/ IPO套件.

A recognition ceremony is held each year for graduates of the 多元化倡导者认证计划, affinity organizations and the Journey Scholars Program.

  • 2025 DE&毕业典礼| 5月16日,星期五 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.


乔治·弗洛伊德去世后, 考虑到周一 was organized by Augustana 学生 to promote mental-health resources for systemically non-dominant (詹金斯,2018) 学生. 从那时起, 考虑到周一 has grown from a virtual event to an interactive and engaging program encouraging positive mental-health practices.



周二和泰拉在一起 allows 学生 to connect with Assistant Director of 多样性、股票 & 包容 Tyra Hawkins in a fun and stress-free environment. Students have the opportunity to share their struggles and build community in a supportive space.

  • 周二,9月. 2024年24日|下午3-4:30 |索尔伯格大厅
  • 周二,10月. 2024年2月22日|下午3-4:30 |索尔伯格大厅
  • 周二,11月. 2024年26日|下午3-4:30 |索尔伯格大厅


As part of a new initiative known as 这家商店, barbers are invited to Augustana's campus to provide haircuts and a space to hang out and de-stress. This event derives from the cultural significance of barbershops in Black communities as hubs of connection, 对话和社区建设. Come for a fresh haircut — stay for the camaraderie!

  • 星期五,9月. 27, 2024
  • 周五,10月. 25, 2024
  • 周五,11月. 22, 2024


Co-hosted by the Augustan 多元平等办公室 & 包容,信仰办公室 & 精神生活, 以及我们的救世主路德教会, Indigenous People's Day is celebrated each year in October with a community gathering meant to educate, as well as foster understanding and appreciation for Indigenous herit年龄. This meaningful celebration honors the rich cultures, traditions and contributions of Indigenous peoples.

  • 2024 土著人民日庆祝活动 | Sunday, Oct. 13 |时间、地点 & 事件详情待定


每年一月, members of the Augustana University community come together for a week of events that celebrate three aspects of the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. 马丁·路德·金. -信仰、倡导和服务.

  • 2025年MLK周| 1月. 20-24 |活动时间、地点 & TBD细节


Each year, Augustana celebrates Mardi Gras in the Ordal 餐厅 Hall (ODH) of the Morrison Commons. This event features authentic New Orleans fare, as well as the opportunity to dance to the beats of a live DJ and win prizes. Students will also experience the vibrant energy of a second line performance led by the AU Jazz Band, 还有更多!

  • 2025年狂欢节| 3月4日星期二| 10:30.m. – 2 p.m. | ODH


Augustana's annual 妇女赋权午宴 celebrates Women's 历史 Month in March. This inspiring event honors the achievements and contributions of womxn in various fields, featuring keynote speakers and networking opportunities over lunch.

  • 2025 妇女赋权午宴 | Wednesday, March 26 | Event Time, Location & TBD细节


The 文化节 at Augustana celebrates the rich tapestry of traditions, 音乐, 来自世界各地的美食和艺术. The event includes live performances, food trucks, inflatables and more!

2025 文化节 | Friday, May 2 | 3-7 p.m. | Morrison Commons Patio



跨文化烹饪 involves visiting various ethnic restaurants in the surrounding area to explore the culinary delights of different cultures. The project aims to delve into the traditional recipes and cooking techniques used by the chefs, as well as the inspirations behind opening their establishments. By talking to the chefs and gaining insight into their culinary backgrounds and cultural traditions, the project seeks to celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding through the universal langu年龄 of food.



自由作家计划 is an opportunity for the Augustana University and Washington High School (WHS) community to share their truth, 故事, 以及社会公正经验. This project provides Augustana and WHS 学生 an outlet to reveal their passion for change while educating others on the experience of growing up and living in a society that still doesn’t treat everyone equally.

Although the most visible part of the Freedom Writers Project is a contest that will publish the best-told stories, we hope the project penetrates our culture and celebrates diverse voices and forms of expression. 

Essays will be evaluated based on the richness of voice, 讲故事的能力, authenticity and how well one speaks their truth. 多次获奖.



詹金斯,D. (2018). 重新思考权力的关键镜头, Privilege and Inequity Langu年龄: “Systemically Dominant” and “Systemically Non-Dominant.共享火焰有限责任公司:华盛顿州卡马斯.